
Responsive Design – I was contracted to spearhead the re-design of the popular auction website. I delivered pixel perfect comps for both desktop & mobile for this project. I also created custom icons, modals, pagination, image carousels & web typography.

Branding – I was able to give them a new “look and feel”. I used their color, white-space, typography & visual cues throughout the site along with whitespace to create a modern layout that is user friendly and engaging.

Problem Solving – I was able to keep the filter options congruent across both desktop and mobile by using visual cues and drop down menus. This allowed to fit all filter options within one screen on a phone without scrolling. This required investigating similar websites to determine the best way to serve that data to the end user while remaining transparent.

Launch – This brand new design is still in development. It’s not scheduled to go live until the end of May 2016.


(Click image above for larger view)


*Additional samples of high resolution full size comps for desktop & mobile available upon request.